Elder Abuse

“Dad, the bank called…” Elder Financial Management


Elder Financial Management “Dad, the bank called…” Often to the outside world, an elder may appear to be managing well. In many areas of life, they may well be. However, sometimes, when we start to dig deeper (think of peeling an onion), we find things under the top layer that raise a [...]

“Dad, the bank called…” Elder Financial Management2019-03-27T21:23:40+00:00

Elders: Easy Targets


Elders: Easy Targets Elder Abuse As attention grows in print and on news outlets, communities gather to get the message out about this horrendous epidemic. Elder Abuse is categorized into seven different subsets: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, confinement, passive neglect, willful deprivation, and financial exploitation. According to the National Council [...]

Elders: Easy Targets2019-04-03T20:16:02+00:00
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